Latest updated RED DRAGON FRUIT price

Dragon Fruit Prices Increase, But Production Decreases

Mr. P.V.T, Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in Binh Thuan province, shared with Dan Viet newspaper that the price of red dragon fruit has recently increased. After a period of significant price drops, the price has now reached between 13,000 – 15,000 VND per kilogram.

However, he mentioned that while the price of red dragon fruit has risen, the national production is still low. This is because red dragon fruit has just finished the main harvest season and is in the process of being off-season. It is expected that in Binh Thuan province, only around 5,000 tons of dragon fruit will be harvested at the end of the season this month.

Some traders purchasing dragon fruit have reported that prices at the farms are rising quickly, but the supply is very limited. Therefore, it is anticipated that the price of red dragon fruit will continue to rise in the near future.

In this situation, many farmers in Long An, Tien Giang, and Binh Thuan provinces are in a difficult position. Previously, many farmers stopped taking care of their dragon fruit farms or even uprooted some plants that were not yet old. These neglected farms are having difficulty producing flowers and fruit evenly, and the quality is not the same as before.

When news of the price increase spread, many families regretted not taking better care of their farms. However, due to the losses incurred over the past two years, dragon fruit growers are still hesitant to replant.

Dragon fruit is purchased at the garden

Farmers Cut Down Dragon Fruit Trees to Grow Coconuts

Recently, the price of dragon fruit has dropped significantly, leading farmers to make the difficult decision to uproot the fruit trees that they have tended to for many years. Faced with heavy losses, they are shifting to other crops.

In Ham Thuan Bac district, Binh Thuan province, according to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, there are currently around 7,900 hectares of dragon fruit cultivation. This is a reduction of 1,500 hectares compared to the period before the pandemic.

The main reason for the decrease in dragon fruit cultivation is the unstable price of red dragon fruit over the past two years. There were times when farmers only sold dragon fruit at prices as low as 500-2,000 VND per kilogram during the off-season, resulting in severe losses. With no funds left to invest in care and maintenance, many farmers found it unsustainable.

In some areas of Binh Thuan, farmers have returned to rice cultivation after abandoning their dragon fruit farms. In Long An and Tien Giang, many farmers have switched to growing coconuts, a crop that requires less care. Some farmers have even opted to leave their land uncultivated rather than continue with dragon fruit.


Hình 3. Phân loại thanh long đỏ

Latest Update on Red Dragon Fruit Prices

Recently, export companies and traders have started purchasing ripe dragon fruit directly from farms at higher prices.

After the COVID-19 lockdown, the community has entered the “new normal,” and many border gates have reopened, leading to improvements in the export of dragon fruit and other products.

Compared to two years ago, by the end of this year, the price of red dragon fruit in Long An and Tien Giang has increased by more than 10,000 VND per kilogram. Farmers are pleased with the prices, which are as follows:

  • Type 1: 23,000-27,000 VND/kg
  • Type 2: 19,000-20,000 VND/kg

The end of the year is a peak demand period, and dragon fruit exports are expected to rise in the coming months. However, due to the challenges during the pandemic, many farmers uprooted their old dragon fruit plants. This has led to a limited supply, causing some traders to push the prices of red dragon fruit higher.

Hình 4. Độ ngọt đạt chuẩn của thanh long đỏ
Hình 5. Đóng gói thanh long và thùng sốp để xuất khẩu


If you have not found a reputable and abundant source of dragon fruit. You can refer to and come to FRUIT95’s direct production system to choose for yourself products that meet quality standards, feel secure about the origin at the best price.

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